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Bai Jie heard, a little thought to smile and said, can only be used in this way. Tao Ye looked at his face, good laughs, you do not like looking at the most winning looks ah, but is just like throwing a lot of money. Bai Jie laughing, immediately shook his head, but unfortunately the road, but planchas ugg in this life, do not over- award, you let ugg españa how to play ah. After a music Oh Ye Tao, his face revealing a rather dull expression of ecstasy, just like people have seen what a big thing in general, immediately, Ye Tao looked on with a hint of madness Bai fake ray bans Jie, sound excitement trembling, said with a hint of white...... Bai Jie, a fortune ugg españa ugg españa fortune after ugg españa keep your life is good.

Tao Ye close embrace emotions, face bad smiles, ugg españa ugg españa say keep your life, do not you happy. Happy you a sitting duck. Tao Ye, one white and the white, but that my heart I do not know why, and it is a joy to give birth. Tao Ye look at her, just about to open ridicule, ears hear a move outside the villa, heard footsteps, he smiled and said, Bai Jie, Among likely to come back, you're ready for her to speak. Bai Jie heard surprised, immediately face of sorrow, she really did not know how to act, then I think a little one, on the restoration of calm in the face, mouth brought out a faint smile.

